Did you know that if everyone washed their hands routinely, one million deaths a year could be prevented? This October 15 is Global Handwashing Day, a day focused on increasing global awareness about the importance of washing your hands with soap.
As part of our sustainable program solutions, we deliver game-based sanitation and hygiene training globally to households, schools, and communities. We not only share the importance of handwashing, but also educate schools and communities on how to make their own soap.
In Uganda, we implement both our hygiene training and soap making classes to communities across Kaberamaido and Kalaki Districts through our local implementing partner POPOW. Since 2015, we have educated nearly 34,000 people on the importance of handwashing, and have educated 5,119 people on how to make their own soap!
“I am so happy and thankful for the knowledge you delivered to us [about making soap]. It’s just like when someone gives you a fishing net and another person gives you fish – you must be more thankful to that person who gave you the net than the one who gave you fish. The knowledge that we have attained today is permanent and will help us earn a living.” – The Local Council III Chairperson of Kaberamaido sub-county

In the Philippines, our work focuses on educating community members about the importance of handwashing through hygiene trainings, delivered by our partner Clean Water International Philippines. Since 2015, we have educated over 2,000 people throughout the Philippines.

In Haiti, we work in both Cayes Jacmel and Cite Soleil to provide hygiene trainings and soap production. Our soap production initiative in Cayes Jacmel, through partnership with ASSLHA, educates young adults on how to make liquid soap while also supporting them in creating their own small income-generating enterprises.
In Cite Soleil, our soap production in partnership with ANACAONA Community is currently focused on providing soap to the southern part of Haiti that was affected by the earthquake. Since the earthquake on August 14, 2021, our local partner has distributed over 1,200 gallons of soap.
Since 2015, we have educated over 10,000 people on the importance of handwashing and have trained 256 people in how to make soap.

Educating global communities about the importance of handwashing would not be possible without our sponsors. A special thanks to our 2021 funders: MVP Tech, Soapbox, MDRT Foundation, BOKA and Stone Family Foundation.