Did you know that proper hand washing with soap can reduce the spread of waterborne diseases by 30 to 60 percent?
When we invest in communities through water and sanitation solutions, we also implement Hygiene Education training in an effort to reduce the spread of waterborne diseases. Surge’s training is game-based and delivered to households, schools, and communities, with a focus on schoolchildren. In partnership with MVP Tech, we aim to educate 2,000 school children in Uganda with Hygiene Education. In just six months, we’ve already trained 880 students in 15 communities – 44% of our goal!
Through these trainings, students in the communities now have increased knowledge about the uses and sources of water, the water cycle, how germs spread, waterborne illnesses, the correct way to wash their hands, and more. Suzan Abayo, our local Program Manager in Uganda, had the following to say about the trainings:
“The students will improve on their personal hygiene and surroundings because they are now aware that germs can cause illnesses if good hygiene is not practiced.”

Thank you MVP Tech for funding critical Hygiene Education — such as our water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) training. We know multiple interventions, infrastructure and education, are important for improved education, health and income.
For more, please see our LinkedIn article on the efficacy of multiple school interventions.