Partnering to Strengthen Infrastructure and Programming in the Field
Since 2017, ERM Foundation’s partnership with Surge has helped directly transform over 28,000 lives across nine primary schools, one health center, and their surrounding communities. In 2019, 5,858 children and adults received access to WASH solutions through repaired, wells, water filters, latrines, and hygiene training – including soap and pad-making. These activities changed the lives of 4,180 people in Abirabra Primary school and 1,678 people at Amukurat Primary school by providing improved access to education, health and income. Working closely with the ERM team, they consistently help us secure funding and design programs to deliver safe, water sanitation and hygiene solutions to the remote districts of Kalaki and Kaberamaido, Uganda. This year, we will directly impact another 1,746 lives with 1 girls’ latrine build and 1 well drill. ERM Foundation has also helped develop Surge’s Environmental Education programming that includes interactive lessons about the water cycle, decomposition, healthy soil and other ways to protect Mother Earth.