Working hand in hand with our community partners, sponsors, volunteers and you, 2024 was our most impactful year yet!
We reached 152,911 people through wells, rainwater harvesters, water filters, safe toilets, and education on hygiene and menstrual health. These solutions ensure that children can attend school and stay healthy while there, mothers are better equipped to care for their families and pursue economic ventures, and communities have opportunities for a brighter future! Entire communities are forever transformed!
The year’s highlights included:
- Expanding our programs with our Indonesian partner YLRA to include training on critical hygiene practices including handwashing.
- Growing our work in Uganda with our long-time partner POPOW, with expansion into Amolatar District, home to 145,000 people
- Working with our Haitian partner ASSLHA to build community rainwater harvesting systems in villages that had no other safe water source.

Here’s a look (in numbers) at what we accomplished in 2024:
- 57 community water systems: 32 well fixes, 20 well drills, and 5 rainwater harvesting systems
- 1,042 filters distributed to homes and schools
- 26 toilets built
- 10,484 women and girls educated on menstrual health
- 585 people trained on how to manage their water sources
- 24,560 people trained on proper handwashing with soap
- 3,057 people trained on soap-making

In Uganda, Acen Dorcus is part of one of the many communities that had its water source fixed. Dorcus shared how the well has impacted her community:
“This borehole will help households save money previously spent on the regular repairs of the borehole and medical expenses related to illnesses caused by contaminated water.”
In 2024 we overcame challenges, and with our incredible team of community partners we continued to make a difference where and when it mattered the most. As we step into 2025, with women leading the way, we remain committed to building long-term, holistic solutions hand in hand with the communities we serve.