First Year of Partnership with HydroPoint Impacts over 2,500 People

Boys Infront Of The Latrine Block

HydroPoint, a smart water management company, has joined forces with Surge to impact 10,000 people in rural Uganda before 2028. With a shared vision to bring about transformative change. In the first year of our partnership, we reached more than 2,500 people in Kaberamaido and Kalaki, Uganda!

Leveraging our women-led model and working hand-in-hand with community partners and local governments, we delivered sustainable infrastructure and education solutions. This includes drilling one well, building two toilet blocks in schools, installing classroom water filters, and delivering education on hygiene and menstrual health.

Chris Spain, HydroPoint’s CEO shared, “We are thrilled to embark on this journey to address the urgent water, sanitation, and hygiene challenges faced by communities worldwide. This partnership represents our commitment to creating sustainable solutions that empower individuals and build stronger, healthier communities.”

1,298 people at Aperkira Community now have safe water!

In Aperkira Community, 1,298 people now have access to water via a well drill. Before, community members traveled 2.5 to 3 kilometers to collect water from other sources. Aucro Anna, who is 80 years old, shared what the water situation was like with our team:

“Since the time I was brought here as a wife…the suffering of no safe water has been our song. I only get relieved when rain comes back, but now that rain is not here we who are unable to go to the water point tend to suffer… even if someone brings [water], it’s not always a guarantee.”

Working together with local leaders and the community, we began to start the process for drilling a new well. After surveying 7 different sites, we found the optimal place for a well drill! Today, the entire community has access to safe water. Children can now go to school, women can focus on income-generating activities, and the entire community can dream of a better future!

The new borehole in Aperkira Community

Beyond providing access to safe water, we also brought our signature education programs to the community. 30 people learned about proper hygiene, 29 people learned to make soap, and 30 women learned about menstrual health and how to make reusable pads!

Mhtraining Aperkira Community (2)
Women learn about the menstrual cycle
1,213 students at Anyara Township Primary School now have decent toilets!

At Anyara Township Primary School, 1,213 students now have safe toilets via 2 new toilet blocks! Before, the students relied on toilet blocks that were sinking into the ground and destroyed by storms. Many students at the school chose to relieve themselves in the bushes during class breaks, rather than use the toilet stalls available.

The Boys Latrine
The boys toilet block the students relied on

Listening to the needs of the school, we constructed 2 new toilet blocks – one for boys and one for girls. Complete with handwashing facilities, the students now have access to improved hygiene, sanitation, health, and education! Akeso Naume, a student, shared how much the new toilet block meant:

“I…am privileged to be among those who shall use this improved sanitation facility. In fact, our sanitation at the school has greatly improved…now we can take care of ourselves during menstruation due to the presence of the bathroom and incinerator for burning used pads [and the] handwashing facility for…after visiting the latrine.”

Jubilant Girl Washing Hands
Girls at Anyara Township Primary School wash their hands


Boys Infront Of The Latrine Block
Boys in front of their new toilet block!

To improve the holistic water and sanitation situation at the school, we also secured funds to fix the school well! And with HydroPoint’s support, we delivered 8 school filters to the classrooms. Today, the school has all of its water and sanitation needs fulfilled!

Beyond providing access to safe water and toilets, we also educated the students about proper hygiene, menstrual health, and soap-making. 593 students learned about proper hygiene, 17 students learned to make soap, and 180 girls learned about menstrual health and how to make reusable pads! With access to clean water, and the knowledge on how to care for their personal hygiene, the community will see improvements in health and well-being!

Anyara Township Primary School
Students learn to make soap
Padmaking Anyara Township Primary School
Girls with the reusable pads they made
Looking to the future

With year 1 of our partnership complete, we are excited to continue to bring clean water and safe toilets to communities that need them most in Kaberamaido and Kalaki, Uganda.

Together, we are committed to bringing about transformative change. Our ultimate goal is to strengthen communities by improving health, education and livelihoods and contributing to a more sustainable future for all!

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