Working hand in hand with our field partners, sponsors, and YOU, 2023 was our MOST SUCCESSFUL year. We impacted over 108,000 people – a 42% increase from last year!
We built and fixed water sources, constructed toilets, and educated people on hygiene and menstrual health in remote, rural communities in Haiti, Indonesia, the Philippines, and Uganda. Our community-led programming impacts people’s lives directly. It ensures children can go to school, women are able to spend their time on income-generating activities, and that entire communities have a chance at a better future!
This work was only possible because of the incredible work of our partners who work tirelessly to deliver sustainable solutions for their communities: Prince of Peace Orphans and Widows Vision (POPOW), ASSLHA, Yayasan Labda Radmila Agrapana (YLRA), and Clean Water International Philippines.

While there is so much to celebrate from 2023, our highlights include:
- Responding to community needs in Haiti and implementing a cholera prevention program
- Constructing our first school toilet and scaling our water access work in Indonesia
- Expanding our reach in the Philippines with more village community filters
- Delivering our signature hygiene training to over 16,000 people in Uganda

Here’s a look at 2023 in numbers. More than 108,000 people were directly reached via:
- 40 water sources: 28 well fixes, 9 well drills, and 3 community rainwater tanks
- 383 water filtration systems: 2 community water filtration systems and 381 water filters
- 10 school toilets
- 30 handwashing stations
- 335 hygiene trainings
- 333 menstrual health and pad-making trainings
- 145 soap making trainings
- 50 water user committee trainings

Jesca from Ogong Community in Uganda is one of the many people that saw her water source fixed. Jesca expressed how rehabilitating her community’s well impacted her:
“I have never seen [a borehole] repair in which almost everything is replaced, making the whole borehole become new! The old pumps were so worn out. We pumped fearfully, scared the water source would break down at any moment. I am truly thankful for all the support towards rehabilitating this borehole because it has saved us. Being a mother, I am greatly relieved that I can go about my household duties with peace of mind since I am assured a functional water source with clean and safe water at any moment I desire.”

In 2023, with our partners across the globe, we continued to make a difference where it mattered the most. As we step into 2024, with women leading the way, we remain committed to building long-term, holistic solutions hand in hand with the communities we serve.