1 Year, 11 Daycares, 174 Homes = 1,380 People with Safe Water

May 2016 marked one year of the partnership between Surge for Water and Biosand Philippines (BSF Philippines). Together, we are working on a phased project that will bring clean water and sanitation access to several thousand people throughout the Davao area.

In Barangays Carmen, Cadalian and Tamayong in Davao City, the first three project phases with BSF Philippines have officially come to a close — bringing 1,380 people safe water access.

Von Auristela with his family's water filter.
Von Auristela with his family’s water filter. Von now volunteers to put filters in other families’ homes.

Families who have received filters are very thankful they no longer suffer from water-related illnesses or need to buy mineral water each week. Each home with a filter is now able to save money and be confident that the water that they are drinking is clean and safe.

Leonides “Von” Auristela was one of the first people to receive a filter through this project. For 21 years, Von had been drinking water directly from the spring and a nearby river. He was ill often, but he and his family would take anti-diarrheal medication until they felt better. Von is extremely thankful that now with a water filter he and his family will be healthy!

Mary Grace Miraflores was one of the Phase 2 beneficiaries. During the training on how to care for the filter, Mary Grace “got really excited and saw that BSF was the right solution to make our water source safe to drink and use.” After finally receiving a filter for house, Mary Grace will tell anyone who is willing to listen that the water tastes better than it did before.

Mary Grace, a Phase 2 beneficiary.

As the broader community members begins to witness the benefits of having a filter the movement grows and several new families have come forward asking for the product. As we continue to work with BSF Philippines on subsequent phases, we ensure that our expansion plans meet the following joint goals:

  • Distribute more biosand filter technology to improve the local water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) program
  • Improve access to clean and safe water for drinking, cooking, and personal hygiene
  • Empower community residents through trainings on water, health, and sanitation, and involving them as part of the project as BSF installers and committee members
  • Reduce the incidence of water and hygiene related diseases through improved access to facilities and information
A family with their new filter. Photo courtesy of Biosand Philippines.

174 households and 11 day care centers were able to meet the requirements needed to receive a water filter. Each of the selected households were trained on how to care for the water filter and had to pass a baseline test prior to delivery.

As Surge and BSF Philippines continue to work in this area, more people are beginning to see the health and economic benefits of having a filter. Phases 1 to 3 have impacted a total of 1,380 people, and, as we continue with Phase 4, 5 and beyond, we are excited to see our impact grow!


To read about the work completed during previous phases, please click here.

Written by Shilpa Alva, Executive Director, and Ashley Quinlan, Surge Fellow

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